Hey there! I'm Cas, your friendly neighborhood geek. I've been playing Petz on and off for about a decade and have made a couple forays into the PC before under the nicknames grapevine9, Dragon, and my current nickname, Cas. I'm a girlish creature of some sort, and a sophomore in college- I'm currently aiming to get a degree in psychology, but I'm considering switching to creative writing. Cats, of course, are my favorite animals, and I have three of them.
My other interests besides Petz include Doctor Who, Falsettos, Heathers, the McElroy brothers, biology, psychology, writing, and singing. If you like any of those, feel free to shoot me an email or PM me on any other site we happen to both be on and we can chat! Or feel free to do that anyway. I love making new friends!
Thank you very much for visiting my site and taking the time to read about me! Have a lovely day!
